Finding Forward Books TM

Short Novels for Teens about Issues Faced by Teens
At Finding Forward Books, we publish short novels for teens about issues faced by teens. Our goal is to help students improve their reading skills, learn to enjoy reading, and increase their success in school.
The average length is 115 pages. Lexile measures average 470. The books are printed in Open Dyslexic, a font to accommodate students with dyslexia. They are especially suitable for English learners and students with disabilities.
The novels have inspiring stories that show teens overcoming challenges in their lives. They are classroom appropriate and have been praised in Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly BookLife Reviews, Foreword Clarion Reviews, and BlueInk Reviews.
The books may be purchased from Amazon for $5.99. They may also be ordered from Barnes and Noble, independent bookstores, and suppliers such as Follett and Mackin. Quantity discounts are available from Express Booksellers.
Russ Thompson, Ed.D. is a retired educator who served as a reading teacher, principal, and district administrator in Los Angeles. Much of his time was spent working with at-risk students. He holds a teaching credential as a reading specialist, as well as a doctorate in education from UCLA.
School is a place of fear for tenth-grader Collin Quinn. Whenever he tries to read, the letters get jumbled around and he can't tell what the words are. Finally, a teacher discovers that Collin is dyslexic. Can he make the changes needed to move forward and succeed in school? 113 pages. Lexile TBA. ISBN 979-8-9890657-0-7.
Owen Daniels, a tenth grader, has had difficulties with reading since first grade. A teacher works with him, and he makes excellent progress. Others come to believe in him. But he must learn to believe in himself. See review in Kirkus Reviews. 121 pages. Lexile 420. ISBN 979-8-9890657-8-3.
Tennison (Ten-Cent) Sanders, an eleventh grader at Edison High School, is a gifted football player. He has a great future and the talent to play in the pros someday. But he ruins it all by making bad decisions. See review in Publishers Weekly, BookLife Reviews. 126 pages. Lexile 400. ISBN 978-1-7373157-3-5.
Roy Perkins struggles in high school. He never knew his dad. His mom died in a meth-lab explosion. And his alcoholic uncle beats him. He is sent to live with a caring foster family. But the challenges continue. See review in Kirkus Reviews. 115 pages. Lexile 530. ISBN 978-1-7373157-1-1.
Miles Pruitt has been struggling in high school. When his dad is sent to prison, things get worse. He quits studying, fails classes, and gets kicked off the basketball team. How will he pick himself up and move forward? See review in Publishers Weekly, BookLife Reviews. 120 pages. Lexile 390. ISBN 979-8-9890657-9-0.

Tenth-grader Elgin Hobbs seems fine on the outside. But he's failing several classes, his divorced parents fight, and his mom is an alcoholic. He tries to rise above it. But life keeps bringing him down. See review in Foreword Clarion Reviews. 121 pages. Lexile 540. ISBN 978-1-7373157-2-8.
Gilbert Neely is a hard-working high school senior who dreams of attending college and becoming a teacher someday. But time after time he is knocked down by poverty, and he begins to wonder if college is for him. Follow him as he searches for a way to achieve his dreams. 111 pages. Lexile TBA. ISBN 979-8-9890657-4-5.

Perry Fletcher is a straight-A student and track star. But he wrecks his knee chasing a thief who steals a package off his porch. What does Perry learn about life when the thief turns out to be a classmate? See review in BlueInk Reviews. 102 pages. Lexile 400. ISBN 978-1-7373157-5-9.
Nick Simonson is troubled, lonely, and sinking fast in high school. He's failing classes and sees no future for himself. Tragedies occur that sink him lower. Can he pick himself up and move forward? See review in Publishers Weekly, BookLife Reviews. 114 pages. Lexile 520. ISBN 978-1-7373157-4-2.